LINEa & PSUa 前级放大器

Line inputs:4 balanced (XLR) and 2 unbalaced (RCA)

Line outputs:2 balanced (XLR)

Input impedance:30kOhm (balanced/unbalanced)

Output impedance:90Ohm

Output level:1.55V/RMS (nominal)

18.0V/RMS (maximum/balanced/600Ohm load)

Max. input level:

(before saturation)5.4V/RMS (balanced/unbalanced/Gain set to 6dB)

3.6V/RMS (balanced/unbalanced/Gain set to 9dB)

Gain:+6dB or +9dB (adjustable)

Frequency response:20Hz to 20kHz, +/-0dB; (1.5Hz to 3Mhz, -3dB)

Distortion:THD: 0.003% (Full output, 20Hz to 20kHz)

IMD: 0.003% (Full output)

Speed:Rise and Settling time <450ns<>

Slew rate: 1.500V/us (Amplification stages)

Signal to noise ratio:>120dB (unweighted)

AC voltage:115V or 230V (nominal line voltage)

AC voltage range:+/- 10% (from nominal line voltage)

Power Consumption:60W (maximum)

Warranty:5 years, parts and labor

Net dimensions:504 x 126 x 390mm (whd); 19.8 x 5.1 x 15.3inch (whd)

(Main control unit and Power supply unit)

Net weight:16.2kg / 35.4lbs – (Main control unit)

17.1kg / 37.5lbs – (Power supply unit)

Weproudly present the first product from our new 30th Anniversary – Master Collection range– a state of the art line preamplifier with an outboard power supply unit. Webelieve this product truly is our “state of the art statement” as every aspectof it reflects 30 years of our knowledge, experience and learning about designand manufacturing execution of uncompromised

highend audio instruments. Ourchoice of very best passive and active components is a result of endlesssubjective evaluations and laboratory measurements. Many components fromreputable manufacturers have been produced to our proprietary specifications.Particular attention has been given to the topology of printed circuit boardsas that happens to be crucial for the best sound quality. Our printed circuitboards are made out of very particular isolation raw material with all coppertraces having a thickness of 75um (preamplifiers) and 120um (power supply unitsand amplifiers). We also exceeded all our previous efforts in the area ofdesign and manufacturing of chassis. In addition to an exceptional aesthetics,the highest available quality aluminium has been used for best acousticproperties and least sensitivity to RF and EMF effects to the circuits therein.Not only, very special components for positioning and placement of PCBs insidethe chassis have been implemented in order to further reduce negativemechanical side effects. This, in turn, preserves transient speed, energy,clarity, definition, focus, microdynamics, true harmonic structure of music andoverall musicality of the recordings played back. After extensive evaluations,we chose to use CMS(Critical Mass Systems) CS2 isolation/support feet for all our MasterCollection products. They exhibit a minimal transfer of mechanical and airborneresonances and feedback to the chassis and electronic circuits inside.Preamplifiers and power supply units have CS2-1.0 isolation/supportfeet, while all power amplifier use the larger CS2-1.5 model. All ourcomponents are internally wired with Cardas Audio pure copper chassis wire.

Allelectronic circuits have been designed in active class A with no globalfeedback. This concept eliminates inter-modular distortion (IMD) and allcircuits are entirely symmetrical, truly differential (balanced) and DC coupled(no capacitors anywhere along the audio signal route). DC offsets arecontrolled by proprietary DC servo circuits. Our fully complementary designtopology with smallest possible tolerances ensure the perfect balance betweenthe positive and negative audio signal yielding absolutely identical amount ofany distortion, noise or interferences that could arise on both signalpolarities. Perfect balance of this kind mutually cancels all the unwantedsignal by-products, leaving just the purest audio to reach our ears. The outputlevel of the signal (volume control) has been designed as a 4x fully balanced(symmetrical) attenuator with ultra-fast relays and custom made, non-magneticresistors (0.1% tolerance).  Both the remote control handset and the maincontrol panel of the preamplifier provide a “mute” function and, even moreimportantly, (on the remote control handset) the absolute polarity (phase)selection. This gives every user an opportunity to select the correct polarityfor different recordings (both analogue and digital) as there is no adoptedstandard among the recording studios and record labels. The preamplifier islinear +0/-3dB from 1.5Hz to 3MHz. Extremely fast and DC coupled circuitsguarantee no phase shift of the audio signal or any time aberration within thefull audio bandwidth, virtues so important in order to retain a very preciseand accurate 3D rendition with very holographic spatial positioning of all themusicians and instruments within a recording. Our all voltage amplifier andoutput stages use active components capable of transient speed between 30 and 65MHz, all withvery close tolerance and designed with lots of attention to finest details, allin order to create and preserve a unique musical experience. The amplitudefrequency response is much broader than the audio domain which enables theaudio instrument to reproduce all high and low harmonics of fundamental tones(without delay, phase instability and amplitude), often outside the top andbottom extremes of the audio spectrum. Without the correct reproduction of allthose harmonics, it is not possible to reproduce precise and accurate tonalityand intonation of any musical instrument! Extremely high transient speed combinedwith a very low noise brings to all our products an unbelievable amount oflow-level detail resolution and completely disposes of any masking of truemusical information stored in so many available recordings of, equally so,simple and complex musical pieces.

Wemust not forget the fundamental importance of power supplies, their circuitsand components used. All our power supplies have been designed with fastestrectifiers and with minimal internal impedance. Huge capacitance reserves givefast and dynamically correct response and enormous headroom when complex andmulti-layered musical contents need to be dealt with. As many as nine (9)stages of current-voltage filtration and regulation per channel, as well asseparate supplies for each audio channel (separate transformers and regulationcircuits) have been implemented. Needless to say, all our digital circuits,input selection and illuminated displays have their own, dedicated, separatetransformers, regulation and filtration.

Allour products are truly hand assembled from carefully chosen and testedcomponents to the finished unit. Each sample of any of our products undergoesan extensive measurement and listening tests before it leaves the factorytowards its final destination.

Our Master Collection rangewill grow slowly and consistently over the next few years. The LINEa/PSUapreamplifier will be followed by the single-chassis LINEb linepreamplifier. After that, we will bring to life our final statement among phonopreamplifiers PHONOa/PSUa (3 phono inputs, RIAA,EMI, DECCA, COLUMBIA and TELDEC eq curve selection and absolute polarityselection). A single-chassis phono preamplifier PHONOb (1 phono input, 5 eqcurves and absolute polarity selection). Finally, two new mono and two stereoamplifiers will round off the portfolio – POWERa mono, POWERb mono, POWERa and POWERb.

In ourattempt to bring all the emotions stored within so many fine recordings of allgenres of music and let you, the music lover and listener, infinitely enjoyyour music collection at a, so far, unsurpassed level of pleasure and joy, wehave put all our knowledge, experience and love for the music into the designand execution of our new 30thAnniversary – Master Collection. We hope you will enjoy using our musical instrumentsas much as we enjoyed creating them.

Milan Karan
Karan Acoustics

FORTHWISE Limited exclusive distribution in mainland China
Service hotline: 020-83273835
Exhibition room address: Shop 12, lobby,building 1, DongFang Hotel, Liuhua Road, Guangzhou
FORTHWISE Limited exclusive distribution in Hong Kong and Macao
Service hotline: +852 2868 9993
Exhibition room address: Shop 216-217, ManYee Arcade, 68 Des Voeux Road, Central,  Hong Kong
